Sept 10th – LWA to Host Shoreline Erosion Site Tour
Category:UncategorizedThe Lake Wisconsin Alliance (LWA) will be hosting a Shoreline Erosion Site Tour on Thursday, September 10th. Those interested in attending should meet at Michael Park in Harmony Grove (corner of West Harmony Dr & Park St) at 5:30pm.
Shoreline erosion occurs on many lakes in Wisconsin. It can be caused by wave action and also by ice pushes in the spring. Sediment eroding from shorelines can have negative impacts on water quality and also deteriorate fish spawning and foraging habitat. Stabilizing the shoreline with rock, bioengineered material, or native vegetation helps prevent shoreline erosion. This tour will show case two sites with different erosion control practices planned. These practices will help stabilize the shoreline and prevent further erosion from occurring. Attendees should plan on wearing walking shoes as one site will require a short walk to access it. Contact Melissa Keenan at 608-355-4838 or [email protected] if you have any questions.